October Blessings – Autumn Graces Cathedral Ledge Oct 2011


  Autumn’s En Plein Air








 My expedition recently with friends to the White Mtns was chilly and inspiring!  This piece is among several started this trip.

 A bold dash back into the en plein air world before settling into the studio for the winter and re immersing myself in exploration mode!





BEFORE that happens , I am openeing up my studio – gallery in conjunction with  the NH Open Doors tour.  From 10 AM – 4 PM my working studio is open on Saturday and Sunday Nov 5 &6 for those who would like to explore my turf.

Both completed and in progress works will be on view.

Finished works framed and unframed are available for purchase.

I hope to see many happy faces partake into peeking into my humble work space.

Location : 16 Church ST., Marlborough, NH . Look for signs on Rt 101/ Main ST Marlborough!